was started with the mission to promote the Christian worldview through familiar design structures. I wanted to create a brand that gives others the confidence to talk about God and to serve Him openly in our modern society. Thank you for visiting!

Nolen, Shop Owner

The IHS Christogram

A Christogram is a combination of symbols to represent the name of Christ. The Greek letters iota, eta, and sigma representing the first three letters of the name JESUS has become the most common Christogram in the Church.

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The Chi Rho Christogram

A Christogram is a combination of symbols to represent the name of Christ. Formed by the first two Greek letters for the word CHRIST, the Chi Rho was heavily used by the Roman military under the emperor Constantine.

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Mary, Mother of God

A major result of the Council of Ephesus, the Virgin Mary's title of Theotokos translates from Greek as "Mother of God." Mētēr tou Theou, a literal translation of the English, is abbreviated to ΜΡ ΘΥ by taking the first and last letter of the first and last word. This symbol is commonly found on Eastern icons of Saint Mary.

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The Alpha and the Omega

Located in the Book of Revelation, this title using the first and last Greek letters represents God as the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End.

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Ichthys - ΙΧΘΥΣ

Ichthys is the Greek word for "fish." Therefore, using the first letters of the Greek phrase Iēsoûs Khrīstós, Theoû Huiós, Sōtḗr (Jesus Christ, God's Son, Savior), the acronym ΙΧΘΥΣ is commonly represented by a depiction of a fish. Another version of the ΙΧΘΥΣ symbol is the wheel, which is formed by layering all of the letters on top of each other.


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